Fan: Miles Johnson

A day has 24 hours and is no different then the next or the one before. Subtract a normal sleeping habit of 8 recommended hours and you are left with 16 hours to do as you please. Fresh out of high school Miles Johnson spends his day making stencils and paintings for his friends and things he loves. What really started out as a personal experiment with paint ended up as an obsession to improve that would consume more then 16 hours. His paintings are mostly for friends and family who request them, making money isn’t part of the game. For Miles its all about the joy of actually creating a painting that people can be pleased with.

So before I show you what he created for Cars x Hype here are a few of his paintings:

Here is what Miles created for Cars x Hype:

The silhouette of a car and the whole universe behind it…

From all of us here at CxH we would like to Thank You for this awesome painting!

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